New Plugin Review: The Axis EQ from Sly-Fi Digital
The Axis EQ plugin from Sly-Fi Digital Sly-Fi Digital, a newly founded digital arm of UBK Audio, launched last month with what seems like highly varied product line, especially when you consider the...
View Article“Mixology” with George Walker Petit: Real Mixers Mix in Headphones
From the head that spans the cans sprout the ears of this man. You are about to join him on his cranial journey. The post “Mixology” with George Walker Petit: Real Mixers Mix in Headphones appeared...
View Article“Mixology” with George Walker Petit: Real Mixers Mix in Headphones
I ride the 6 train sometimes, and it’s loud. The New York subway experience is degrading and filthy at worst, just plain noisy and jarring at best. Part of the NYC gig. Now hear this: George Petit...
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